
Seniors Valentines Dinner
Our GEMS Ministry is excited to help host a special Valentine’s Dinner for the Seniors in our church! Join us for a delicious Roast Beef Dinner & Dessert. There is no cost to attend, but there will be a free-will offering.
- Plan to attend? Please Sign-Up by contacting Lorraine: Email or (902) 300-5363
*Need a ride? Let us know – we’d be happy to help!

Have you lost a loved one? We invite you to find comfort, support, & hope in a Christ-centred community. GriefShare is a FREE support group. Over 13 sessions, you’ll receive a personal work-book, watch videos, discuss and find valuable guidance to help with your grief journey. Our compassionate leaders, who have experienced loss, are here to walk with you – No one should grieve alone.
*Contact our Leader: Bernadine

Pizza With The Pastors
If you’re new to our church within the past 3 months, this is for you!
You can expect a 1-hour event that will include eating pizza, interacting with the Pastoral staff/others who are new, and an opportunity to learn about who we are as a church, ask questions, and take the next steps to get plugged in! This is a GREAT way to meet the staff and others who are new, plus enjoy FREE pizza!
SIGN-UP if you plan to attend!

Pizza With The Pastors
If you’re new to our church within the past 3 months, this is for you!
You can expect a 1-hour event that will include eating pizza, interacting with the Pastoral staff/others who are new, and an opportunity to learn about who we are as a church, ask questions, and take the next steps to get plugged in! This is a GREAT way to meet the staff and others who are new, plus enjoy FREE pizza!
SIGN-UP if you plan to attend!

Men's Breakfast
We invite all men to join us for a hearty breakfast. You can expect a 1h breakfast that will include eggs, bacon, sausage, hash-browns, coffee & toast, along with a guest speaker. See you then for food, the Word, and fellowship!
*No Sign-Up Required

Thrive Worship & Prayer
THRIVE is a meaningful time to connect with God and each other as we surrender our prayers requests to Him, pray for each other, and lift our voices in worship.
Join us for a powerful evening of worship and prayer. We’d love to see you there!

Grief Support Group
Everyone is invited to join us for a six-week grief support group. Topics that will be covered include: What is grief, Myths associated with loss, tools for recovery, how children view death, stuck in grief, and moving on. This group will be led by certified grief specialist, Bertha Brannen.
Sign up: HERE (max 8 participants)
For more information contact: Bertha

Hope Women Gathering
Our time will include coffee, crafts (supplies provided), activities and a special word from Kim Vidito about love. We hope to see you then!
*Contact: Karen Tucker

Pizza With The Pastors
If you’re new to our church within the past 3 months, this is for you!
You can expect a 1-hour event that will include eating pizza, interacting with the Pastoral staff/others who are new, and an opportunity to learn about who we are as a church, ask questions, and take the next steps to get plugged in! This is a GREAT way to meet the staff and others who are new, plus enjoy FREE pizza!
SIGN-UP if you plan to attend!

Thrive Worship & Prayer
What does it mean to be Made in His Image?
Join us for THRIVE as a family from our church explores the answer with us. We’ll also spend time in worship, Scripture & prayer.
We’re excited to see how God speaks to us at THRIVE. We hope to see you there!